Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Buy An Mc Escher Print

Buy an MC Escher Print

Many people are familiar with the enigmatic artwork of Maurits Cornelis Escher. Among the thousands of works the graphic artist produced, people are most familiar with his Impossible Structures and cleverly crafted self-portraits. If you're one of many who have been captivated by his multi-dimensional art, you might enjoy having a bit of it hanging in your house. Here is buy an MC Escher print.


1. Study the various works of MC Escher through books and websites. Search for a piece that intrigues you or speaks to you the most. After you've gathered the titles of your favorite MC Escher works, you'll be better equipped to search for the right print.

2. Contact college campuses in your area. At the beginning of semesters, many college campuses will organize art fairs of sorts where many popular prints and pop culture posters are sold. The prices are usually quite reasonable (as the event is geared toward students). Matting and mounting will be your responsibility in this situation.

3. Locate online art galleries that specialize in the sale of art prints and posters. Some of these sites offer the choice of buying the print alone, or having it mounted and matted before shipping. Mounted and matted prints usually go for more than $100. These sites carry a wide variety of MC Escher artwork.

4. Research commercial galleries around the world. Some of these galleries carry original lithographs by MC Escher. Prices will not be listed, as you will have to visit or contact the gallery to negotiate a price. Original pieces will obviously be quite expensive and delicate. This suggestion is strictly for the serious art collector. New York is a good place to start.

5. Have your print mounted professionally, as it will increase the print's aesthetic value and adds a much nicer touch than a simple poster frame.