Thursday, April 2, 2015

Know When You Should Replace Violin Strings

Know When to Replace Violin Strings

Violin strings are under a lot of tension just by being on the violin and they get a lot of wear with normal playing. There is no set time that it takes for strings to wear out but there are signs of wear that will let you know that your strings need to be replaced.


1. Pay attention to your strings. The first sign of string wear is that strings won't be able to keep in tune as well or for as long. There could also be a change in the tone and vibration of the string that will reveal wear.

2. Look for area of wear on the strings. The G, D, and A strings are all wrapped. That wrapping can begin to wear down or unravel. This leaves areas on the strings that are hard to move your fingers across and change the sound of the string.

3. Watch for wear between the bridge and tail piece and up by the peg box. These are the two areas where the strings are under a lot of pressure. These places will be the most likely place that the strings will break from.

4. Replace one string if it breaks but you don't have to replace all the strings. All the strings should have the same amount of general wear but often one string will break before the rest are ready to be replaced. Simply replace this one string and continue using the rest.