In the highly-customizable world of the online game ROBLOX, players can design and build their own three-dimensional environments. They can also precisely customize the appearance of their characters. With an Admin (or administrator) account, players have even more control over their environment and are able to execute commands that put them outside of the usual rules of the game. Only Admins can perform these commands. There is no actual "Admin screen," but Admins use the Command Bar in their ROBLOX Studio editor program to execute their commands. Becoming an Admin is highly unlikely for the vast majority of players, but if you happen to have Admin account information, the procedure for using the Command Bar in ROBLOX Studio is straightforward.
1. Launch ROBLOX Studio by double-clicking on the ROBLOX Studio icon.
2. Log in to ROBLOX by entering the Admin account username and password into the Studio window.
3. Click on the ROBLOX game you want to play.
4. Click on the View menu, then on Toolbars. Click on "Command" to check the Command Bar. This will enable the Command Bar in ROBLOX Studio.
5. Type an Admin command into the Command bar. Refer to the link in the Resources section for a list of Admin commands. Most Admin commands require that a username follow them. For example, type "explode/username," replacing "username" with the name of the user avatar you want to explode and kill.
6. Press Enter to enter the Admin command and make it take effect.