Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Painting With Acrylic & Pastel Chalk

Mixing media like chalk and acrylic paint creates an interesting texture.

Using two different media such as acrylic paint and pastel chalk is a great way to develop a personal artistic style. Chalk and paint are very different media - chalk creates more texture and acrylic paint is quite smooth. Because acrylic paint is wet and pastel chalk is dry, you must put the pastels on your paper or canvas first. Once you have completed the pastel portion of your artwork, apply the acrylic paint.


1. Rub the end of a clean paint brush or a cotton swab onto the piece of pastel chalk. Using a brush to apply the pastels allows you to create a thinner, more defined line than using the actual pastel.

2. Apply the pastel over the areas of canvas or paper as desired. The pastel work must be completed before using any wet medium, such as acrylic paint. Use the tip of your finger or a clean brush to blend the pastels for an interesting effect.

3. Use a clean brush to apply your acrylic paint. Acrylic paint is wet and will cover the pastels. You can use the acrylic paint to highlight certain parts of the pastel-covered areas, or simply paint the blank areas of your design to complement the pastels.

4. Leave your work of art to dry overnight. Once the piece has dried you can add more pastels or paint as desired.