Monday, October 12, 2015

Koala Crafts For Children

Make koala crafts as part of a study of Australia.

Children need to learn traditions and facts from other continents, countries, and cultures. One way to explore and express the knowledge that they learned is through crafts. After carrying out an investigation of Australia, celebrate by completing some koala art. These projects can be as simple as gluing shapes together or as interesting as using recycled materials.

Heart Koala

Explore shapes through a koala heart craft. Cut a large heart from gray construction paper. This will serve as a koala head. Cut two additional small hearts from the same color paper. These hearts are glued to the head to make ears. Cut a small black heart nose and draw eyes on the face. The project can stop here or a body can be added. An additional large heart is used for the body and two more small hearts for feet. Cut a heart in half and use each piece for arms. This simple art project is suitable for preschool skills and children can hang completed projects on a wall.

Koala Pin

This project is wearable art. Use a foam-shaped bear or cut one from foam yourself. Add eyes, nose, and mouth to the cut-out shape with a marker or paint. Use letter beads to thread the word "Aussi" onto one side of a large safety pin. Pin the words to the arm of the bear. The pin can then be clipped to a shirt or backpack.

Recycled Koala

Recycling products to make this art makes it unique and inexpensive. Use an empty soup can for a body. Glue an empty tuna or chicken can to the top for a head. The can should sit on its side so the bottom can be the face. Bottle caps with washers in the middle make large koala eyes and silk flower pieces serve as ears. Spoons and forks are used for legs and arms while a small tea infuser makes a nose. Add a metal circle such as that from a frozen juice tube for a belly. A tree for climbing can be made from an empty paper towel roll.