Monday, October 5, 2015

Create A Simple Color Wheel

A color wheel can use as many as 100 colors.

A color wheel is a diagram of color hues in the shape of a circle. Its organization shows the relationships between primary colors, secondary colors and complementary colors. According to Tina Sutton and Bride M. Whelan, authors of "The Complete Color Harmony," a simple color wheel consists of only six colors, demonstrating the base relationships between primary colors and secondary colors. You can make a simple color wheel in just minutes, using only a few supplies.


1. Draw a large circle in the middle of a piece of white paper, using a pencil. Trace a round object, such as a bowl, to get a perfect circle.

2. Draw a dot in the center of the circle, using the pencil.

3. Draw six equal triangles within the circle, using the ruler and pencil. Line the ruler up with the dot in the center and draw a line straight across the circle, dividing it in half, the simplest way to do this, according to Betty Edwards, author of "Color." Draw two more sections for the circle, creating six equal triangles.

4. Color one triangle in with a yellow pencil or crayon.

5. Color the triangle to the right of the yellow section with an orange pencil or crayon.

6. Color the section to the right of the orange triangle with a red pencil or crayon.

7. Color the triangle to the right of the red with a purple pencil or crayon.

8. Color the section to the right of the purple with a blue pencil or crayon.

9. Color the triangle to the right of the blue section with a green pencil or crayon to complete your simple color wheel.

10. Cut out your color wheel if you would like to have only the colored portion without the excess white paper.