Marching while playing a brass instrument is challenging. You need to be able to produce the same kind of sound quality as when you are sitting down. You need to be able to do this while moving in intricate formation with other marching musicians, and keeping your form and posture pristine and aesthetically pleasing. This is exactly as difficult as it sounds, which is why marching bands should practice as often as organizationally possible. You can stand out as one of the best marching brass members in the band by following a few solid rules.
1. Observe the proper posture when you're standing attention. Begin by standing without your brass instrument with your arms relaxed at your sides. Stand very tall. You should be leaning very slightly forward. Your center mass should be directly above the balls of your feet. Distribute weight evenly among the four points created by the heels and balls of your feet. Bend your knees very slightly to prevent locking up and fainting. Tuck in your behind; don't just let it hang out. Flex your stomach muscles to give extra strength to your posture and relieve some of the burden on your back. Puff out your chest proudly, nice and inflated. Elevate your chin. Let your shoulders fall down and then pull them all the way back. Bend your elbows ever so slightly and curl in your fingers with the thumbs resting on the sides of your fists. Breath evenly and deeply.All this you should do with great intensity and supreme calm. This will provide you with a solid foundation to which to refer when holding your instrument.
2. Assume the proper posture while holding your brass instrument in playing position. Begin by standing at attention as described in Step 1, but this time with your brass instrument at your side. Smoothly bring your instrument and your free hand up to playing position. The only basic difference between this position and the one described in Step 1 is that your center mass will be very slightly further back to accommodate the weight of the horn.This position will provide you with a mental image to which to refer when actually moving with your instrument.
3. Exercise total control over your body and your instrument when moving and playing your brass instrument. You will need plenty of oxygen, so open up your chest cavity by lowering and pulling back your shoulders, and lifting your chest proudly. If you need to twist, do so mainly with your lower body and hips. Keep your shoulders square with the trajectory of the bell of your instrument. Your torso and chest cavity need to remain as unchanged as possible, so that your lungs will always have plenty of room to expand.
4. Relax. Let your arms absorb shock without changing visible shape. Observe proper marching technique to absorb most of the shock. Usually this involves the roll step. Let your legs absorb shock too. You will find your hips will get sore at first, adjusting for all the changes and keeping your upper body smoothly gliding.
5. Observe superior breath control. Your breathing should not be frantic, no matter how difficult the drill or musical piece. Deep, relaxed, volumetric breaths should be used when playing and marching with a brass instrument. If the going gets rough, breath bigger, not crazier. This takes great mental control.
6. Condition and strengthen your entire body. There is a darn good reason for all the push-ups you will do in marching band. You need to stretch, exercise, and otherwise get physical fit. Running, jumping rope and other cardiovascular activity will do wonders for your lung capacity in the long run. Weight training will give you extra control over your body.