Friday, May 8, 2015

Make Anime Videos Online

Anime characters

Anime music videos, or AMV, are growing in number and have a huge fan base. AMV are made by amateurs, splicing together anime clips and typically set to popular songs. They are mostly released on YouTube, or at anime conventions., a user community, has an annual competition for the best anime music videos.


Making Anime Music Videos

1. Study other music videos for a good grasp of the format. A good selection can be found on

2. Choose a song that you plan to sync your anime video to. You can choose recording artists from many different genres such as R&B, rock and hip hop--it's up to you.

3. Choose the anime clips you want to use and make sure the clips haven't been used by others before.

4. Edit the chosen material on your computer. There are many techniques you can use, such as dissolves, fade-outs, and pausing a frame of an open mouth in order to sync to lyrics. Pay attention to lip syncing, as synchronization is an important aspect of a good AMV. Nonlinear software programs range in price and sophistication from the easy-to-use free software Avid, to the more advanced and pricey software, Final Cut Pro.

5. Save your work and upload the video to a site like YouTube. Make sure you have enough memory for this. An external hard drive is useful for large files. After you have saved your work, you can upload your AMV as a video file in WMV, MPEG, or AVI format.