Learn Hip-Hop Dance Moves
They're hip, funky, fun to do and a great way to exercise. Hip-hop dance moves aren't hard to master if you take your time and feel the music. If you enjoy hip-hop music, it's hard not to move. Here's learn the latest hip-hop dance moves.
1. Forget what you know. When learning hip-hop dance moves, you have to throw away what you've done in the past and embrace the new style of dance.
2. Find the beat. The key to learning hip-hop dance moves is finding the beat. Listen for the driving beat of the base. If you're having a difficult time finding the beat, stop and listen. Ignore every instrument or distraction except for the base. Once you're able to find it, you're ready to go to the next step.
3. Turn on your TV. To get the latest in hip-hop music and dances, turn to a video music channel such as BET, MTV or VH1. Depending on your cable lineup, you may have more music video channels. These channels are great places to watch the pros in action.
4. Imitate the dance moves. You can do this in the privacy of your own room. The key is repetition. The more you imitate the hip-hop moves, the easier and more natural they become.