Friday, April 3, 2015

Learn Breakdancing Online With Free Streaming

James Brown popularized breakdancing in the 1960s.

Breakdancing is a rigorous style of street dance that emerged in the 1960s. Because the style borrows moves from other forms, such as the Charleston and the Lindy Hop, and is constantly evolving, it is difficult to pinpoint its exact origins. Depending on gender, breakdancers are also called b-girls or b-boys. Breakdancing requires strength, stamina and flexibility. It incorporates martial arts moves and acrobatics. While there is no correct way to breakdance, there are basic moves that you can learn online for free.


1. Visit websites that provide an introduction to breakdancing. Read about the conditioning that is required to perform basic breakdancing moves. For example, the website Discover A Hobby has a section on breakdancing that describes the style, the regimen, history and music of the dance form. Know what you are getting yourself into before trying the moves. If you are out of shape and incapable of doing head stands, breakdancing may not be the activity for you.

2. Learn about breakdance moves. Read step-by-step instructions on dedicated dance websites. Some sites will walk you through a basic move from beginning to end, explaining the position of the body as well as the direction and way the body and limbs have to move. These instructions are pages from beginner how-to manuals that are available and free on the web. For example, the Learntodance website describes in move counterclockwise in a push-up position with both feet spread above the ground.

3. Watch free online video lessons on breakdancing websites and YouTube. Do a keyword search on YouTube for "breakdance lessons." Short videos made by expert b-boys and b-girls will provide instruction on a wide range of breakdance moves, including shuffle footwork moves, upper-body popping and locking, conditioning and strengthening. Once you grow familiar with the fundamentals of breakdancing, you can watch videos that incorporate more sophisticated styles, such as Latin rock moves.

4. Study Flash animations of breakdance moves. Both Breakdance Machine and Flash Mavi offer excellent animations that are instructional and fun to watch. Breakdown Machine's downloadable Flash module uses a black and white figure that performs a spectrum of breakdancing moves, including the Baby Freeze, the Turtle Freeze, Windmills, Toprocks, Uprocks, Sweeps, 6-Step and the Backspin. A slow-motion button allows you to study the figure carefully. However, the application does not include a stop and start button. Read descriptions of the moves on the right panels. Flash Mavi uses three animated characters: Mavi, Jenny and Hank. While one of the animated characters performs the breakdancing move, colored arrows pop up and indicate the direction the body should move. Text instructions and tips also pop up. You can stop, start and slow down the animation. Watch Flash Mavi animated videos on standing steps, low steps and power moves that incorporate acrobatics.

5. Play games that incorporate breakdancing online. Get a sense of how the body moves in a street-style form of dance. For example, play a game on the One Motion website in which you can manipulate the motion and bodies of four breakdancers. Use the keyboard to change the dancers' movements, apply or take away the force of gravity and move the dancers around the screen as if you are the choreographer