Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Funny Street Sign Ideas

Place a street sign on large family properties to help direct friends and family.

While most cities, towns and municipalities name the streets in their town, you can create a street sign to place on your private property road. Also, street signs can be a novelty gift that you can give to your children to hang in their rooms or to your friends or family members to hang in their game room, shed or garage.

Nickname Street Signs

Sometimes people get a nickname in grade school or grammar school that just sticks with them throughout the rest of their life. These nicknames can be funny in a good-natured way. For instance, an overweight person might be known as "Tiny," a tall person might be known as "Shorty" or a talkative person might be known as "Motor Mouth." Design a novelty street sign for your friend, family member or relative that places their nickname on it and give it as a gift for their birthday or at the holidays. (Just be sure that the individual accepts and likes the nickname that you place on the sign.)

Joke Street Signs

Create a street sign that looks absolutely official, but has a funny saying written on it. For instance, if you live in the woods, rather than a "Deer Crossing" sign, it might be inverted to read "People Crossing." Or, you can create a street sign that kids about someone's intelligence such as "Harvard Admissions Office 1/2 Mile...But I wouldn't bother." Another might entail a yellow "Caution" sign that instead reads, "Caution, Teenage Daughters Sharing One Bathroom," or "Caution, Man Cave, Enter at Own Risk." The nature of the joke sign should again be good-natured and not offend anyone who might see it.

Business Signs

One way to attract attention to a business is to create a funny road sign. It will become memorable in the minds of people who are driving by in their car. For instance, a mortuary might write, "Jones Mortuary...Drive Slowly, We Can Wait." Or a plumber might have a sign that reads, "Tom's Plumbing...We Take the Plunge." Or a dairy might have a sign that reads "Mike's Dairy...Moo-ve Over and Take the Next Exit." The sign should be good-natured and advertise what service the business provides.

Circumstance Signs

Circumstance signs are signs that can be changed or put up for a special event. For instance, if there were a local lotto winner, a sign outside a restaurant might read, "Congrats to Joe and Susan Kelly, for the Rest of You, $9.99 All You Can Eat Buffet." If there has been a local insect epidemic and an owner of a business is not too thrilled, he might take a stab at the lack of action by local politicians with a sign that reads "Welcome to Cockroach Town...Don't Forget to Tip Your Roaches on the Way Out!" Or a Thanksgiving sign outside a restaurant might read. "Happy Turkey Day...Tomorrow, Happy Diet Day!"